
    张茜 副教授,硕士生导师,E-mail:xizhang@henu.edu.cn河南大学“杰出人才特区支持计划”第四层次特聘教授,中国昆虫学会化学生态学专业委员会委员,荣获2021年国际化学生态学学会(ISCE)理事提名。主要研究方向为植物-害虫-天敌互作、害虫生物防治。以玉米为主要研究对象,围绕植物-害虫-天敌的相互作用关系,综合昆虫生态学、行为学、生物化学与分子生物学等多学科研究手段,解析植物抗虫分子机制以及天敌提高自身寄生能力的多种有效策略。近五年,研究成果发表在Science、PNAS、eLife、Nature Communications、Plant Cell and Environment等国际知名期刊,并受邀以通讯作者在Current Opinion in Insect Science撰写综述。












    1、2020  获得瑞士伯尔尼大学最佳博士论文

    2、2019 获得第十届亚太化学生态学国际会议最佳口头报告奖

    3、2017 获得伯尔尼大学最佳学术报告奖

    4、2015 获得荷兰 Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS) 研究所优等生项目

    5、2013 入选国家公派硕士研究生项目


    1、国家自然科学基金-面上项目,32472539植物挥发物乙酸叶醇酯对黏虫逃逸寄生蜂寄生的抑制机制2025.01 - 2028.1250万元,主持






    1.  Zhang X.*, Li L., Kesner L., Robert C.A.M.* Chemical cues shaping host-seeking behavior of entomopathogenic nematodes. Current Opinion in Insect Science (2021), in press.

    2. Zhang X., Machado R.A.R., Doan V.C., Arce C.C., Hu L., Robert C.A.M.* Entomopathogenic nematodes increase predation success by inducing specific cadaver volatiles that attract healthy herbivores. eLife (2019), 8, e46668.

    3. Zhang X., Doan V.C., Arce C.C., Hu L., Hibbard. B., Hervé M., Robert C.A.M., Machado, R.A.R., Erb M.* Plant defense resistance in natural enemies of a specialist insect herbivore. PNAS (2019),116, 23174-23181.

    4. Van Doan C., Pfander M., Guyer A.S., Zhang X., Maurer C., & Robert, C. A.M.*. Natural enemies of herbivores maintain their biological control potential under short‐term exposure to future CO2, temperature, and precipitation patterns. Ecology and Evolution (2021), DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7314.

    5. Van Doan C., Züst T., Maurer C., Zhang X., Machado R.A.R., Mateo P., Ye M., Schimmel B.C.J., Glauser G., Robert C. A.M.* Volatile-mediated defense regulation occurs in maize leaves but not in maize roots. Plant, cell & environment (2020), 0, 1-14.

    6.  Hu L., Mateo P., Ye M., Zhang X., Berset J.D., Handrick V., Radisch D., Köllner T.G., Gershenzon J., Robert C.A.M*., Erb M.* Plant iron acquisition strategy exploited by an insect herbivore. Science (2018), 361, 694–697.

    7. Hu L., Robert C.A.M., Cadot S., Zhang X., Ye M., Li B., Manzo D., Chervet N., Steinger T., van der Heijden M.G.A., Schlaeppi K*., Erb M.* Root exudate metabolites drive plant-soil feedbacks on growth and defense by shaping the rhizosphere microbiota. Nature Communications (2018), 9, 2738.

    8. Machado R.A.R.*, Wüthrich D., Kuhnert P., Arce C.C., Thönen L., Ruiz C., Zhang X., Robert C.A.M., Karimi J., Kamali S., Ma J. Whole-genome-based revisit of Photorhabdus phylogeny: proposal for the elevation of most Photorhabdus subspecies to the species level and description of one novel species Photorhabdus bodeisp. nov., and one novel subspecies Photorhabdus laumondii subsp. clarkeisubsp. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2018), 68: 2664-2681.

    9.  Robert C.A.M.*, Zhang X., Machado R.A.R., Schirmer S., Lori M., Mateo P., Erb M., Gershenzon J. Sequestration and activation of plant toxins protect the western corn rootworm from enemies at multiple trophic levels. eLife (2017), 6, e29307.

    10. De Rijk M., Zhang X., Van der Loo J.A., Engel B.A.S., Dicke M., Poelman E.H.* Density-mediated indirect interactions alter host foraging behaviour of parasitoids without altering foraging efficiency. Ecological Entomology (2016), 41, 562-571.